Tag: unprotected database

  • Slashdot: Data Broker Leaves 600K+ Sensitive Files Exposed Online

    Source URL: https://yro.slashdot.org/story/24/11/27/2253216/data-broker-leaves-600k-sensitive-files-exposed-online Source: Slashdot Title: Data Broker Leaves 600K+ Sensitive Files Exposed Online Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text details a significant security breach involving an unprotected Amazon S3 bucket owned by SL Data Services, which exposed over 600,000 sensitive files containing personal information, including criminal histories and background checks.…

  • The Register: Fore-get about privacy, golf tech biz leaves 32M data records on the fairway

    Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/10/trackman_unprotected_database/ Source: The Register Title: Fore-get about privacy, golf tech biz leaves 32M data records on the fairway Feedly Summary: Researcher spots 110 TB of sensitive info sitting in unprotected database Nearly 32 million records belonging to users of tech from Trackman were left exposed to the internet, sitting in a non-password protected…