Tag: social engineering

  • Cloud Blog: Bridging the Gap: Elevating Red Team Assessments with Application Security Testing

    Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/threat-intelligence/red-team-application-security-testing/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: Bridging the Gap: Elevating Red Team Assessments with Application Security Testing Feedly Summary: Written by: Ilyass El Hadi, Louis Dion-Marcil, Charles Prevost Executive Summary Whether through a comprehensive Red Team engagement or a targeted external assessment, incorporating application security (AppSec) expertise enables organizations to better simulate the tactics and…

  • The Register: Data on 760K workers from Xerox, Nokia, BofA, Morgan Stanley and more dumped online

    Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/12/03/760k_xerox_nokia_bofa_morgan/ Source: The Register Title: Data on 760K workers from Xerox, Nokia, BofA, Morgan Stanley and more dumped online Feedly Summary: Yet another result of the MOVEit mess Hundreds of thousands of employees from major corporations including Xerox, Nokia, Koch, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley and others appear to be the latest victims…

  • Microsoft Security Blog: Microsoft shares latest intelligence on North Korean and Chinese threat actors at CYBERWARCON

    Source URL: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/security/blog/2024/11/22/microsoft-shares-latest-intelligence-on-north-korean-and-chinese-threat-actors-at-cyberwarcon/ Source: Microsoft Security Blog Title: Microsoft shares latest intelligence on North Korean and Chinese threat actors at CYBERWARCON Feedly Summary: At CYBERWARCON 2024, Microsoft Threat Intelligence analysts will share research and insights on North Korean and Chinese threat actors representing years of threat actor tracking, infrastructure monitoring and disruption, and their attack…

  • The Register: The only thing worse than being fired is scammers fooling you into thinking you’re fired

    Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/28/fired_phishing_campaign_cloudflare/ Source: The Register Title: The only thing worse than being fired is scammers fooling you into thinking you’re fired Feedly Summary: Scumbags play on victims’ worst fears in phishing campaign referencing UK Employment Tribunal A current phishing campaign scares recipients into believing they’ve been sacked, when in reality they’ve been hacked –…

  • Slashdot: Data Broker Leaves 600K+ Sensitive Files Exposed Online

    Source URL: https://yro.slashdot.org/story/24/11/27/2253216/data-broker-leaves-600k-sensitive-files-exposed-online Source: Slashdot Title: Data Broker Leaves 600K+ Sensitive Files Exposed Online Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text details a significant security breach involving an unprotected Amazon S3 bucket owned by SL Data Services, which exposed over 600,000 sensitive files containing personal information, including criminal histories and background checks.…

  • The Register: Data broker leaves 600K+ sensitive files exposed online

    Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/27/600k_sensitive_files_exposed/ Source: The Register Title: Data broker leaves 600K+ sensitive files exposed online Feedly Summary: Researcher spotted open database before criminals … we hope Exclusive More than 600,000 sensitive files containing thousands of people’s criminal histories, background checks, vehicle and property records were exposed to the internet in a non-password protected database belonging…

  • CSA: AI in Cybersecurity – The Double-Edged Sword

    Source URL: https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/blog/2024/11/27/ai-in-cybersecurity-the-double-edged-sword Source: CSA Title: AI in Cybersecurity – The Double-Edged Sword Feedly Summary: AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on cybersecurity, emphasizing its dual role in both enhancing defenses and facilitating cybercrime. Key areas of focus include AI in vulnerability assessments, threat detection,…

  • The Register: Russian spies may have moved in next door to target your network

    Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/25/infosec_news_in_brief/ Source: The Register Title: Russian spies may have moved in next door to target your network Feedly Summary: Plus: Microsoft seizes phishing domains; Helldown finds new targets; Illegal streaming with Jupyter, and more Infosec in brief Not to make you paranoid, but that business across the street could, under certain conditions, serve…

  • Krebs on Security: Feds Charge Five Men in ‘Scattered Spider’ Roundup

    Source URL: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2024/11/feds-charge-five-men-in-scattered-spider-roundup/ Source: Krebs on Security Title: Feds Charge Five Men in ‘Scattered Spider’ Roundup Feedly Summary: Federal prosecutors in Los Angeles this week unsealed criminal charges against five men alleged to be members of a hacking group responsible for dozens of cyber intrusions at major U.S. technology companies between 2021 and 2023, including…