Tag: security concerns
The Register: ‘That’s not a bug, it’s a feature’ takes on a darker tone when malware’s involved
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/12/23/firmware_malware_opinion/ Source: The Register Title: ‘That’s not a bug, it’s a feature’ takes on a darker tone when malware’s involved Feedly Summary: Mummy, where do zero days come from? Opinion One of the charms of coding is that malice can be indistinguishable from incompetence. Last week’s Who, Me? story about financial transfer test…
Data and computer security | The Guardian: ‘Security through obscurity’: the Swedish cabin on the frontline of a possible hybrid war
Source URL: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/dec/23/swedish-cabin-frontline-possible-hybrid-war-undersea-cables-sabotage Source: Data and computer security | The Guardian Title: ‘Security through obscurity’: the Swedish cabin on the frontline of a possible hybrid war Feedly Summary: Amid claims of sabotage of undersea cables, a small wooden structure houses a key cog in Europe’s digital connectivityAt the end of an unmarked path on a…
Cisco Security Blog: Strengthening Docker Security: Best Practices for Resilient Containers
Source URL: https://feedpress.me/link/23535/16925191/strengthening-docker-security-best-practices-for-resilient-containers Source: Cisco Security Blog Title: Strengthening Docker Security: Best Practices for Resilient Containers Feedly Summary: Docker’s proliferation has led to some serious vulnerabilities, but you can improve security in Docker containers by following a set of best practices. AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses the security vulnerabilities associated with…
Krebs on Security: Web Hacking Service ‘Araneida’ Tied to Turkish IT Firm
Source URL: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2024/12/web-hacking-service-araneida-tied-to-turkish-it-firm/ Source: Krebs on Security Title: Web Hacking Service ‘Araneida’ Tied to Turkish IT Firm Feedly Summary: Cybercriminals are selling hundreds of thousands of credential sets stolen with the help of a cracked version of Acunetix, a powerful commercial web app vulnerability scanner, new research finds. The cracked software is being resold as…
Simon Willison’s Weblog: Building Python tools with a one-shot prompt using uv run and Claude Projects
Source URL: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Dec/19/one-shot-python-tools/#atom-everything Source: Simon Willison’s Weblog Title: Building Python tools with a one-shot prompt using uv run and Claude Projects Feedly Summary: I’ve written a lot about how I’ve been using Claude to build one-shot HTML+JavaScript applications via Claude Artifacts. I recently started using a similar pattern to create one-shot Python utilities, using a…
The Register: US reportedly mulls TP-Link router ban over national security risk
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/12/18/us_govt_probes_tplink_routers/ Source: The Register Title: US reportedly mulls TP-Link router ban over national security risk Feedly Summary: It could end up like Huawei -Trump’s gonna get ya, get ya, get ya The Feds may ban the sale of TP-Link routers in the US over ongoing national security concerns about Chinese-made devices being used…
Hacker News: US Weighs Banning TP-Link Routers
Source URL: https://nypost.com/2024/12/18/business/us-could-ban-chinese-made-tp-link-routers-over-hacking-fears-report/ Source: Hacker News Title: US Weighs Banning TP-Link Routers Feedly Summary: Comments AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The text discusses ongoing investigations by US federal agencies into TP-Link, a major Chinese manufacturer of internet routers, due to cybersecurity concerns. Investigators allege that TP-Link has failed to address vulnerabilities in its products,…
The Register: Boffins trick AI model into giving up its secrets
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/12/18/ai_model_reveal_itself/ Source: The Register Title: Boffins trick AI model into giving up its secrets Feedly Summary: All it took to make an Google Edge TPU give up model hyperparameters was specific hardware, a novel attack technique … and several days Computer scientists from North Carolina State University have devised a way to copy…