Tag: ModI
Embrace The Red: Terminal DiLLMa: LLM-powered Apps Can Hijack Your Terminal Via Prompt Injection
Source URL: https://embracethered.com/blog/posts/2024/terminal-dillmas-prompt-injection-ansi-sequences/ Source: Embrace The Red Title: Terminal DiLLMa: LLM-powered Apps Can Hijack Your Terminal Via Prompt Injection Feedly Summary: Last week Leon Derczynski described how LLMs can output ANSI escape codes. These codes, also known as control characters, are interpreted by terminal emulators and modify behavior. This discovery resonates with areas I had…
Simon Willison’s Weblog: Quoting OpenAI o1 System Card
Source URL: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Dec/5/openai-o1-system-card/#atom-everything Source: Simon Willison’s Weblog Title: Quoting OpenAI o1 System Card Feedly Summary: When o1 was led to believe that it would be shut down when acting on its goal and that its actions were monitored, it attempted to deactivate this ‘oversight mechanism’ in 5% of the time. Exfiltration attempts: When o1 found…
Simon Willison’s Weblog: Claude 3.5 Haiku price drops by 20%
Source URL: https://simonwillison.net/2024/Dec/5/claude-35-haiku-price-drops-by-20/#atom-everything Source: Simon Willison’s Weblog Title: Claude 3.5 Haiku price drops by 20% Feedly Summary: Claude 3.5 Haiku price drops by 20% Buried in this otherwise quite dry post about Anthropic’s ongoing partnership with AWS: To make this model even more accessible for a wide range of use cases, we’re lowering the price…