Tag: espionage efforts
Cloud Blog: ScatterBrain: Unmasking the Shadow of PoisonPlug’s Obfuscator
Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/threat-intelligence/scatterbrain-unmasking-poisonplug-obfuscator/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: ScatterBrain: Unmasking the Shadow of PoisonPlug’s Obfuscator Feedly Summary: Written by: Nino Isakovic Introduction Since 2022, Google Threat Intelligence Group (GTIG) has been tracking multiple cyber espionage operations conducted by China-nexus actors utilizing POISONPLUG.SHADOW. These operations employ a custom obfuscating compiler that we refer to as “ScatterBrain," facilitating…
The Register: Microsoft: Another Chinese cyberspy crew targeting US critical orgs ‘as of yesterday’
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/12/06/chinese_cyberspy_us_data/ Source: The Register Title: Microsoft: Another Chinese cyberspy crew targeting US critical orgs ‘as of yesterday’ Feedly Summary: Redmond threat intel maven talks explains this persistent pain to The Reg A Chinese government-linked group that Microsoft tracks as Storm-0227 yesterday started targeting critical infrastructures organisations and US government agencies, according to Redmond’s…