Tag: cyber-espionage
Alerts: CISA and Partners Release Joint Guidance on PRC-Affiliated Threat Actor Compromising Networks of Global Telecommunications Providers
Source URL: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/alerts/2024/12/03/cisa-and-partners-release-joint-guidance-prc-affiliated-threat-actor-compromising-networks-global Source: Alerts Title: CISA and Partners Release Joint Guidance on PRC-Affiliated Threat Actor Compromising Networks of Global Telecommunications Providers Feedly Summary: Today, CISA—in partnership with the National Security Agency (NSA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and international partners—released joint guidance, Enhanced Visibility and Hardening Guidance for Communications Infrastructure. Partners of this…
Hacker News: The Nearest Neighbor Attack
Source URL: https://www.volexity.com/blog/2024/11/22/the-nearest-neighbor-attack-how-a-russian-apt-weaponized-nearby-wi-fi-networks-for-covert-access/ Source: Hacker News Title: The Nearest Neighbor Attack Feedly Summary: Comments AI Summary and Description: Yes **Summary:** The text discusses the Nearest Neighbor Attack, a novel cyber-espionage technique utilized by the Russian APT group GruesomeLarch to access targets remotely via compromised Wi-Fi networks of nearby organizations. It highlights the importance of strengthening…
Hacker News: Security researchers identify new malware targeting Linux
Source URL: https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/eset-research/unveiling-wolfsbane-gelsemiums-linux-counterpart-to-gelsevirine/ Source: Hacker News Title: Security researchers identify new malware targeting Linux Feedly Summary: Comments AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: ESET researchers have revealed the emergence of Linux malware associated with the Gelsemium APT group, marking a significant shift in their tactics as they move beyond Windows-targeted malware. The malware includes notable…
The Register: Chinese cyberspies, Musk’s Beijing ties, labelled ‘real risk’ to US security by senator
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/20/musk_chinese_cyberspies/ Source: The Register Title: Chinese cyberspies, Musk’s Beijing ties, labelled ‘real risk’ to US security by senator Feedly Summary: Meet Liminal Panda, which prowls telecom networks in South Asia and Africa A senior US senator has warned that American tech companies’ activities in China represent a national security risk, in a hearing…
The Register: T-Mobile US ‘monitoring’ China’s ‘industry-wide attack’ amid fresh security breach fears
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/18/tmobile_us_attack_salt_typhoon/ Source: The Register Title: T-Mobile US ‘monitoring’ China’s ‘industry-wide attack’ amid fresh security breach fears Feedly Summary: Un-carrier said to be among those hit by Salt Typhoon, including AT&T, Verizon T-Mobile US said it is “monitoring" an "industry-wide" cyber-espionage campaign against American networks – amid fears Chinese government-backed spies compromised the un-carrier…
The Register: China-backed crews compromised ‘multiple’ US telcos in ‘significant cyber espionage campaign’
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/14/salt_typhoon_hacked_multiple_telecom/ Source: The Register Title: China-backed crews compromised ‘multiple’ US telcos in ‘significant cyber espionage campaign’ Feedly Summary: Feds don’t name Salt Typhoon, but describe Beijing band’s alleged deeds The US government has detected “a broad and significant cyber espionage campaign" conducted by China-linked attackers and directed at "multiple" US telecommunications providers’ networks.……
The Register: China’s Volt Typhoon reportedly breached Singtel in ‘test-run’ for US telecom attacks
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2024/11/06/chinas_volt_typhoon_breached_singtel/ Source: The Register Title: China’s Volt Typhoon reportedly breached Singtel in ‘test-run’ for US telecom attacks Feedly Summary: Alleged intrusion spotted in June Chinese government cyberspies Volt Typhoon reportedly breached Singapore Telecommunications over the summer as part of their ongoing attacks against critical infrastructure operators.… AI Summary and Description: Yes Summary: The…