Tag: Autopilot
Cloud Blog: Privacy-preserving Confidential Computing now on even more machines and services
Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/privacy-preserving-confidential-computing-now-on-even-more-machines/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: Privacy-preserving Confidential Computing now on even more machines and services Feedly Summary: Organizations are increasingly using Confidential Computing to help protect their sensitive data in use as part of their data protection efforts. Today, we are excited to highlight new Confidential Computing capabilities that make it easier for…
Cloud Blog: Announcing smaller machine types for A3 High VMs
Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/compute/announcing-smaller-machine-types-for-a3-high-vms/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: Announcing smaller machine types for A3 High VMs Feedly Summary: Today, an increasing number of organizations are using GPUs to run inference1 on their AI/ML models. Since the number of GPUs needed to serve a single inference workload varies, organizations need more granularity in the number of GPUs…
Cloud Blog: GKE delivers breakthrough Horizontal Pod Autoscaler performance
Source URL: https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/containers-kubernetes/rearchitected-gke-hpa-improves-scaling-performance/ Source: Cloud Blog Title: GKE delivers breakthrough Horizontal Pod Autoscaler performance Feedly Summary: At Google Cloud, we are committed to providing the fastest and most reliable Kubernetes platform, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Today, we are excited to announce an improved Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), the Kubernetes feature that automatically updates workload resources…
The Register: Crims backdoored the backdoors they supplied to other miscreants. Then the domains lapsed
Source URL: https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/08/backdoored_backdoors/ Source: The Register Title: Crims backdoored the backdoors they supplied to other miscreants. Then the domains lapsed Feedly Summary: Here’s what $20 gets you these days More than 4,000 unique backdoors are using expired domains and/or abandoned infrastructure, and many of these expose government and academia-owned hosts – thus setting these hosts…